Wednesday 17 November 2010

X Factor / Fix Factor?

The weekend before last I spat out my cereal in mirth while watching X Factor. Yeah I eat cereal in the evenings as a nutritious treat sometimes, so what?

What caused this tittering was the sight of Cheryl Cole's face tightening up like a clown's purse when Wagner (pronounced "Vagner") was put through for another week by the public. For those who don't know yet are increasingly intrigued by this tale of Cheryl Cole's frustration- Wagner is a middle aged, long haired, eccentric Brazilian who can not sing, let alone sing in time. He is voted in weekly by members of the public who are increasingly frustrated with this money making machine that demands to take our money in a voting system that allows an attractive yet not incredibly talented singer to become famous and make an album that will be nice yet bland, devoid of any raw talent or creativity. The main song on the album that will be any good is then brought out to be Xmas number one. 

Worst CD cover ever?

Britain is so fed up of filling Simon Cowell's pockets that they are boycotting his show. Last year Simon complained when Rage Against The Machine were number 1 after people made a campaign on Facebook, saying it was "stupid" and "dismissive" of contestants. So what if it is stupid? And isn't it up to us who we dismiss? It is better than having another bland album out with another bland cover with bland photo's and songs that go "Baby I miss you, I love you hold my hand la la" or something equally shit.

What I don't like about this series is the obvious need to keep Katie Waissel in the show. I didn't quite understand it until I read that Katie had links to Sony and Cowell before the show. Usually on X Factor if someone is in the bottom two more than twice the judges will decide that this singer has no connection with the public and therefore should go. Not so with Katie. The producers changed the rules to suit themselves when Kay-Tee was up against Trey- Cee, refusing to go to deadlock because they knew Katie had the least votes. The next week they knew Aiden had less votes and it went to deadlock so he left. Seriously, how many chances does one girl get?

I wouldn't mind if she wasn't so smug and desperate all at the same time. Whenever she gets praised after singing she acts like she's done something amazing like cured AIDs when really she has just done what she is on the effing show to do in the first place. Annoying. I would just like to clarify that although it is irritating knowing someone is being favouritised on a show I do think it's quite disgusting that Katie is getting death threats. Come on, you should have kept it quiet. She'll see you coming now.

Rebecca to win!

Although I am anti X Factor for their sneaky ways and yearnings for weak pop albums to sell to the tween masses... I do watch weekly. The main reason for this is Rebecca Ferguson. Her smoky, soulful voice, reminiscent of Nina Simone and her beautifully modest smile after singing makes her an obvious winner. 

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